Do tell, does your mess make you smile? I'm curious if I'm alone in this love of creative disaster, I mean flurry!
I know my husband could do without, but, I find great joy in a fantastic mess. Admittedly, I tend to love my own creative mess the most, probably because I know what's in the works. The chaos itself holds promise of something about to emerge.
With the sun shining brighter, I find myself becoming more and more anxious for spring planting. I have some lofty aspirations for the growing season ahead. And, with that, my planning has turned the kitchen surfaces into quite the space of inspiration. Fingers crossed, that come fall, these surfaces are covered with bountiful harvest preservation frenzies, to show for all this planning frenzy
So, while welcoming the 2011 seed catalogues, found here, here and here, into the planning phase, we had to decide what the fate of the old ones would be. And, to be honest, I find so much inspiration in these beautiful pages that even if I were unable to garden, for a season or more, I would still find time to pour through them for no other reason than to feast my eyes on all the possibilities! So it only seems natural to feel a bit of shame in the proposition of tossing these beauties.
It was decided that the beautiful images could not be thrown away, and, a bit of chaotic early morning cutting and gluing ensued.
The end result was a large garden list that now lives on the fridge, at the lowest level, for all to add to as desired. I tell you, each day there are additions to the wish list.....Hmn, how much space am I gardening?
I'm curious, what are your garden plans this season?