Yup, it's true, I am now gluten free, forever. Just yesterday I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease and without boring those of you who do not know and do not need to know about Celiac, I will say only this....I can not eat any gluten, at all, ever again!
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It gives elasticity to dough, helps hold it all together and helps it to rise and it apparently wreaks havoc on my gut. oooofta! This is a bit to swallow (no pun intended) for this mama who bakes 4 loaves of bread a week, alternating between wheat wheat wheat bread sometimes with raisins and sometimes not and sourdough sometimes french, sometimes cracked wheat, sometimes just yummy. Oh, homemade pasta, yes, and holiday cookies like they're goin' out of style.
So, right now, I am:
Relieved: to have some answers, to some long standing questions,
Reluctant: to part with my very well established sourdough start,
Embracing: a steep learning curve,
Anticipating: better health and more energy,
Eager: to experiment with a whole new set of ingredients,
Hesitant: to part with Grandpa Joe's Pancakes, Kremkake and Sour-cream Cookies,
Beer: oh delicious beer.....hmmmmm denial!
Curious: what new kitchen rhythms will take hold,
Wondering: if a few new blog categories might emerge, one for the new gluten free concoctions and one for my tried and true family favorites that I really should part with now - but you could make them, eh?
Loving: the gluten-free-lemon-white-chocolate-chip scones we concocted this morning!
Butter and sugar should make up for the lack of wheat flour right?
My little Chaz is such a trusty helper!
They are a bit crumbly without that gluten.... be patient, do what you gotta do to make them hold together just long enough to enter the oven and then yummy things happen.
Recipe for Gluten-Free-Lemon-White-Chocolate-Chip Scones:
Whisk together dry ingredients:
3/4 Cup potato starch
2 Cups tapioca flour
2-1/2 Cups rice flour
1 teaspoon guar gum
1/2 Cup sugar (we used organic evaporated cane juice sugar)
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Cut in:
10 Tablespoons chilled butter (probably could be reduced)
Stir in:
I Cup white chocolate chips, dried cranberries or raisins
4 teaspoons grated lemon peel
1-1/3 Cup rice milk (or whatever milk works for you)
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice
brush top with (rice) milk
sprinkle lightly with sugar (optional)
Scoop large spoonfuls (I used a small serving spoon) onto greased cookie sheet. You might need to give it all a little squeeze to form into a nice scone that will not fall apart.
Bake in a 375 degree oven for 24 minuets (depending on size)
Remove promptly to a wire rack
Makes approximately 26 scones
note: this recipe could be cut in half if you have not the need for 26 scones!
Enjoy! Look for more recipes in the coming months and soon a category for all these gluten free goodies.
Do you have a recipe to share? Please post away in the comments section - it's easy I promise!