As we glide from birthday celebrations to lighted-boat parades, pine cone collecting to ginger bread house decorating and so much in between, I am feeling a bit like the lovely tree we chose this year, one who has seen this season a few times now. I feel like I have added a few rings and can stand stronger in the midst of such a flurry of goodness. I dare say much of our December activities are creeping into the 'traditions' category. With each new ring we add, the seasons and how we celebrate their goodness, are becoming more familiar. I have been thinking so very much about the rhythm to our daysand my related intentions for the new year. What a lovely surprise it is, this very season, to feel such familiarity and a bit of calm amongst the bustling days...this is exactly what rhythm brings to our lives, a sense of familiar security and calm.
(a tree for gifting)
After Christmas we slide right into more birthday celebrating, then New Years followed by more birthday celebrating.
I look forward to seeing you back in this space soon. Until then, wishing you and yours the very best of the season; the company of loved ones, light, love, and a peaceful heart.