Everyday I find myself standing still, captivated by one or both of my children, generally it doesn't last long as the moments change so quickly, but I try in the moment to drink in this stage wherever it finds us. Today it was Chaz in the barbershop having his hair cut, it was changing from blond to brown before my eyes. He looked so sweet, little and innocent in that moment, surely he was really just concerned about the scissors this strange man was using right by his ear, but the look was precious.
Perhaps there is a correlation between my oldest just turning seven and my resent flood of baby memories, for whatever reason there have been many these past few weeks. The first one hit a few days ago when Gavin put on some silly country music that neither Travis or I particularly care for (it was found on the side of the road). Suddenly I was dancing in the living room with a very heavy boy in my arms, I could just about feel my baby Gavin in my arms. I used to listen to Willie Nelson in our Hawaiian kitchen, and dance, and dance with my baby Gavin. Cheek to cheek we would twirl about as our bread baked and time stood still.
Next came the great closet clean out where I found the paper fish mobile I made (of Hawaiian fish, of course) to hang over the crib when Gavin was born. Turns out neither of our boys slept in the crib, ever, but I have wonderful fond memories of the hours coloring the fish in baby anticipation.
Then came another flash flood of memories in the last place I would have expected it. Lying face down having some painful but good work done on my shoulder and hip by the incredibly talented Haley Green. As Haley worked her magic in massage images of my body holding both my babes raced about my mind. Certainly, given the situation I find my body in these days, I might suggest holding babes in a different fashion. But, it was a fascinating experience packed with powerful memories of my sweet littles and how our bodies spent those beginning years holding and being held, day in and day out.