Still reveling in the goodness of a long weekend,
warm weather,
plenty of playing and climbing,
fresh juice,
beautiful artwork,
(I madonnari at the Santa Barbara Mission)
and the simple pleasure of time spent among dear friends.
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Still reveling in the goodness of a long weekend,
warm weather,
plenty of playing and climbing,
fresh juice,
beautiful artwork,
(I madonnari at the Santa Barbara Mission)
and the simple pleasure of time spent among dear friends.
Posted on 05/30/2012 in excursion, family | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
It feels great to be, once again, in the fields picking. we treasure this opportunity to revel in the fruits of our local farmer's labor, to love what they do and appreciate all the sweetness of their hard work. Picking berries has been one of my greatest loves since childhood. And, by the smile on my big boy's face and his repeated declarations "this has been a great day, mama" accompanied by a happy lightness of foot, I am certain my boys share this love of picking, memories in the making, of the sweetest kind at that.
These berries (picked with much gratitude at Rutiz Family Farm) fed us in more ways than one by: bringing back memories, creating new memories, reminding us that we are once again arriving at berry picking time - providing a palpable place in the rhythm of life, creating a place for friends to unexpectedly gather, for sweetness and celebration, for letting me see that my oldest is still the most determined picker amongst us and my youngest still lost in the goodness going down the gullet!
As for myself, I am looking forward to the first preserving of the year, with the next batch that is!
Posted on 05/16/2012 in excursion, local farms | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Monday is referred to as "Bayday" around here, it is a dedicated day spent in nature.You can read a bit more about our Bayday, here. In the spirit of representing our weekly rhythm this post captures a moment outdoors, a moment that speaks to me in image rather than words.
If you feel inclined to join the fun, leave a link to your image post in the comments for all to visit and enjoy - together, perhaps, we can catch a glimpse of the outdoors around the globe! Your image need only be a recent photo capturing a bit of nature, or a moment in it, make it your moment however and wherever you notice your local environment.
Posted on 05/14/2012 in bayday | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
These flowers have been accompanying me most of the winter, and now into spring. Several already found their new homes, and this last batch is ready to be sent out. The perfect size knitting project to accompany me to kids lessons, park dates, the beach, and any time I could manage to be the passenger on a road trip. The one down side I found was the reaction I seemed to get over and over again when asked "whatcha makin'?" my reply "a washcloth" and I can't be certain what the next thought was but the look on almost everyone's face pretty much said they were now sure I am crazy....why the heck would you spend your time knitting a washcloth? No good answers really, except that they are fun, colorful, relatively quick, and make a nice simple birthday gift for a host of springtime birthdays in my family.
Washcloth pattern is from Weekend Knitting by Melani Falick with the addition of a crotchet border around the petals. The yarn is Ultra Pima 100% cotton from Cascade Yarns.
Coupled with a bar of artisan soap made by Hugo Naturals, which I just have to say is gluten-free! and there you have it, a sweet little birthday treat, not just some crazy kitted washcloth! ;) Really, I can not say what people are thinking, only that I did seem to get a funny reaction, more than once, when I announced that I was working away on a washcloth. For me, it's about keeping my hands busy, and my mind happy, as I go about out other activities of the day.
I think now perhaps I will grow a little batch of knitted blossoms to stay in my own bathroom!
Posted on 05/12/2012 in craft | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Along the trail we have been loving the wealth of knowledge Evan brings to both our children, and the lucky mama's who join in. Watching the curiosity, understanding, connection, enthusiasm and aw grow with each new discovery is heart warming and fantastic. Of course I am just as curiouse as the kids, but the twinkle in their eye on each nature hike pretty much says it all. Reconnecting to the knowledge that used to be the way of life for all, learning new-to-us skill and natural wonder has been a treasure along the trail.
Hope you have a moment to enjoy some of nature's wonders today!
Posted on 05/10/2012 in excursion | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
This could be the last time I (write a blog post). No, no.....I'm not making any sort of announcements in that, but I suppose it is true. Just like any other activity, moment - it could be my last. The realization, in a very concrete sort of way, that life is fleeting and precious has hit me like a ton of bricks in the past, but what was different then is that the awakening was all rolled up in a heavy blanket of grief. The grief and sadness of losing a loved one. This is very much different. An intentional realization throughout the day that I am here, scrubbing the floor, tying my son's shoe, wiping away tears, stirring a pot of soup, reading a story, hugging, hiking........... The list goes on so long as we are alive. The idea of recognizing where I am in that moment, bringing my thought and presence to the very moment I am in. Letting go of the replay of a past event. Setting aside the planning, fretting, listing, of what is to come in the future, and for a few moments really being in this very time and place. Saying to myself "this could be the last time I _________" (fill in the blank), is awakening in many ways.
I have been working with the lovely, Thalia Brennan, who is a delightful woman, mama, and life coach! Thalia brought this exercise in mindfulness to me. At first I, of course, loved the idea but also thought that it sounded pretty simplistic and similar to other attempts of living intentionally that I was already working with, and it is. What is different about this for me, is that I actually remember to say this simple phrase to myself, and to let go of the past, the future, and really dive into the now.
Often, I feel like there isn't enough time for everything. Not even my own thoughts. Ever felt that way? Like there isn't even enough time, or quiet to really have a thought of your own that isn't interreupted. So I try to escape every now and then. My favorite is a moment alone to move, be out doors, feel the rhythm of my own feet hitting the trail. What tends to happen in these rare moments is that I somehow get into the economy mindset. I have to get as much bang for my buck, pack in as much mileage, sweat, and even thoughts as I possibly can. It becomes frantic thinking. Trying to think as much as I can, scheme, dream, create all the things I have been trying to have a full thought about all week long, a chance to finish all my thoughts on one hike.
Unfortunately, I finish the hike, albeit sweaty and sore, but not feeling that calm in my mind, not even knowing exactly what wonder, what beauty was around me along that trail. Saying to myself "this could be the last time I hike this trail" brings my awareness right to the moment at hand. I feel my arms swing and my feet hit the ground in a perfect rhythm, the cool ocean breeze on my cheek, the sun's warmth on my back, the salty sweat on my lips, the dust collecting on my shins, the birds calling to each other in the bright yellow patch of mustard, the pelican diving into the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the creek rolling over the rocks, my dog panting, my children marveling at nature, the sight of a butterfly darting past so quickly if I blinked I would miss it.
Really taking in this moment.......clickety-clackety on the key board, warm tea in hand, bright light overhead, hard wood chair putting my tush to sleep, the hum of my computer and the yawning of the dog behind me, the quiet of every other human in the house already asleep.....thoughts of friends both old and new reading this post in the morning.
Wishing you a wonderful day, a day with a mindful moment or two.
Posted on 05/08/2012 in mindfulness | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
Monday is referred to as "Bayday" around here, it is a dedicated day spent in nature.You can read a bit more about our Bayday, here. In the spirit of representing our weekly rhythm this post captures a moment outdoors, a moment that speaks to me in image rather than words.
If you feel inclined to join the fun, leave a link to your image post in the comments for all to visit and enjoy - together, perhaps, we can catch a glimpse of the outdoors around the globe! Your image need only be a recent photo capturing a bit of nature, or a moment in it, make it your moment however and wherever you notice your local environment.
Posted on 05/07/2012 in bayday | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Time flies. A week has already zipped by since we spent a sunny afternoon at Four Elements Farm plant sale and festival, but I tell ya we are all still talking about the fun that was had. I am such a farm dreamer and schemer, I've been this way since childhood. And given that I don't currently live on a farm, or even property, I feel especially thankful to our local farmers who so generously share their work and homes with us in various ways. Almost year round we enjoy u-pick fruits, local farm stands, farmers markets, gleaning opportunities, and to add this farm festival to the mix is nothing short of fantastic, if you ask me.
There was a good social buzz about the festival prior, and a great turn out the day of. I am crazy about getting our community involved locally and even more crazy about connecting our children to their food. So to see so many friends and neighbors mingling, sharing great ideas, collectively keeping an eye on the children, and soaking in the goodness of our local area, was simply heart warming.
In preparation for launching the large garden project and garden curriculum for our local Waldorf school, it is so much fun to begin creating potential experiences for the students such as growing Quinoa to mill and bake with. Matt at Four Elements has several varieties, which I am still looking forward to chatting him up about sometime soon.
The learning opportunities were plentiful with fun workshops ranging from Kids Worm Discovery (something we are always up to here at home), Biodiesel, Medicinal Weeds, Yoga for the Kids and adults, Crafts for the children.....and the list goes on. Inspiring. Food for thought.
and yummy eats, too.
Now to dreaming about next year's farm festival! How about it folks?
Posted on 05/05/2012 in excursion | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
All the spring time festivities just keep rollin' in. This week has been packed with all sorts of local goodness and with that comes the requests for particular outfits, if you can believe that four and seven year old boys truly make these sort of requests. The latest was a request from Chaz that we make a tie, like his brothers, so that he could wear it in the Kite Parade. And of course we are to make it right now, never mind the baseball game starting in just a few moments.
Without further ado let me share the latest addition to the wardrobe designed exclusively by Chaz and sewn with a bit of help from me.
The fabric is a selection from his collection of 'fabric candies', as we call them, generousely collected from our many visits to The Cotton Ball over the years.
He was thrilled to wear his tie, like his big brother. And true to their character, the ties are very different in color, pattern and design!
Note to self: next time learn how to tie it prior to leaving for the parade.
Posted on 05/01/2012 in craft | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)