Between all that happens in a day with children, swim classes, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, playing baseball, daydreaming, reading stories, talking, lots of talking......between all that normalcy we made a 'Happy Birthday' banner to donate to the silent auction and festivities taking place tomorrow at our sweet little growing school.
At one point in my hand-stitching I found a quiet moment to reflect on the significance of these banners I love to make. The banner, in our family life, has become the symbol of celebration, honoring the completion of yet another trip around the sun, love, lots of love for the one who's special day it is. The banner has become part of our tradition, and I quite think that it is about the first thing looked for when a little one walks into the living room on the morning of their special day. I could go on and on about my thoughts on celebrating those we love, because I love it so! These celebrations are part of our yearly rhythm, part of life, marking the passing of time, and pausing to celebrate.
But the bigger picture came into focus when I peeked at the quote hanging from the string on my daily cup of tea. "Inspiring others towards happiness brings you happiness" Ah-ha! Exactly what I have been reflecting on. Following a conversation with the lovely, and blog-savvy, Kyla, I have been honing in on exactly what my blog is about, why I blog, how I blog. The fruits of this focusing will be evident in time, but to share a bit I have come to realize that I blog (and live) in large part to inspire, to be inspired and to revel in that which inspires. Reading words that came with my cup I felt like I had just opened a fortune cookie that had words written just for me, in that moment. That really, is the gist of a banner - inspiring towards happiness. Simple. Celebratory. Tradition.

What simple way of celebrating has become tradition for you?