I had a lovely chat with my wonderful, and inspiring friend, Lindy, this afternoon. I always feel a bit more full after we share ideas. Somewhere in that conversation I got around to sharing just how much I have been missing this space. This space of mine. This space I enjoy sharing with you. I recalled the days when I chose to walk away from the screen for just a bit, and how those days rolled into months, yup, just like that...months pass.
It was just before the holidays. I was busy lovin' up the seasons goodness with my littles. Then, there seemed to be a rash of difficult-to-swallow news, both close to home, and afar. Disease and death, sadness, grief. I couldn't find a way back here. I just wanted to hibernate in my own nest, with my own little loves, soak up every moment of the NOW.
And, I did. I hibernated (along with doing so, so much) but, I gave myself the space to sleep long nights of cozy-warm-winterness, to step away, just a tiny bit. I was storing my energy for the re-emergence.
Today, while talking, I mentioned that this space, is one of the ways I cultivate the life that I love, the life I want to live into even more. In this space I allow myself the time to just stall for a moment longer on that which I love. In so doing, I bring more of that very stuff I love into my life. This is somewhere I am called to jump right back into being, right here, right now - my reflective practice.
Among the winter months we decorated, we celebrated two boys completion, of yet another, trip around the sun, we savored the crisp outdoor air - hunting for pine cones, we enjoyed countless hours in the garden, loved on a few new crafts, and snuggled a lot!
Thank you dear friends for joining me on this journey, in this space.