The first Sage Mothering Intensive was truly my dream come true! I love my work with private clients, and my heart was telling me that the mothers needed to circle, to support and learn from one another. Watching the magic of mothers in circle unfold has been nothing short of aw inspiring. Many women have asked how they can participate from afar, or simply without getting in their car. I'm so honored to answer this call, to meet the need, to see more dreams into the light of day!
Live Virtual Sage Mothering Intensive ~ Begins October 26th, 2014
In the words of a dear client..."This is so much more than information, it is a full transformation of my parenting experience."
The Power:
~ In an intimate circle with mama-sisters you will make powerful shifts in your parenting experience with full support from me, and your new tribe.
~ Learn from one another in sacred circle, and find comfort in shared experience.
~ M.A.P. your unique path in parenting through your "My Attunement Plan"
~ Release that which is no longer serving you to make room for being present right now.
~ Shift to see the opportunity for connection in moments of conflict and implement a gentle and yet powerful process for moving through difficult situations while building emotional intelligence.
~ Develop habits to aid in rewiring those pesky old ways of reacting that are no longer serving you.
~ Learn how to model healthy boundaries, while living in alignment with your core values.
~ Set limits that peacefully stick and raise self confidence in your children at the same time.
~ Transform communication in your adult relationships through Empowered Conversation, remember we are modelling for our children how to be adults all the time!
~ Harness skills of deep empathy for yourself and for our children.
~ Raise the level of emotional intelligence in your home.
~ Give your children the tools and confidence of being deeply in touch with their own emotional experience in life.
~ Identify your needs as a woman, and take empowered steps towards seeing that they are met.
~ Remember how to play and celebrate as a family!
Who is this for?
~ This is for you if you are a super-committed mother, striving to raise your child peacefully, without punishments, shame and blame.
~ This is for you, if you know we are intended to walk a higher path in our parenting practice with a supportive tribe surrounding us and you are ready for it!
~ This is for you if you are striving to raise strong capable leaders, and you crave support in your noble effort.
~ This is for you if you need effective communication tools in your parenting relationship.
~ This is for you if you intend to maintain a healthy relationship with your child, one built on trust and open communication, through the teen years, and into adulthood.
~ This is for you if you tell yourself you will handle the situation differently next time, but it happens again – you snap, you react, you fall into that old pattern.
~ This is for you if deep down you wonder if maybe you are too easy going, you wonder if maybe you really do need to set some limits, but you aren't sure how to really be heard.
~ This is for you if you are striving to give your children the very best you!
How we circle:
~We meet live for a 90 minuet group coaching call for 10 consecutive weeks. During our call we will connect, learn from each other, share in this deep mothering journey, support each other, and receive individualized attention specific to your unique parenting situation. All calls are recorded for you to listen to again and again.
Content Delivery:
~ Audio classes delivered weekly.
~ Guided meditations to help you easily make shifts where desired and let go where needed.
~ Handouts
~ Journal prompts
~ Prompts for making your new parenting tools visible through art (if you are so inclined)
~ An Empathy Sister, this is another mother in our group you will have the opportunity to bond with and support each - this often leads to deep friendships.
~ A secret Facebook Group just for our group, moderated by Mariah.
~ After course completion you will also be invited to join the larger community of Sage Mothers.
I often hear from clients that each next step in this process met them exactly where they were needing to be met that week!!!
Buzz...What Sage Mothers are saying:
"As a mother, a Waldorf teacher, and a practitioner of Yoga Philosophy, the teachings of Peaceful Parenting have brought together my desire to live a balanced connected life with those I love and those I care for. Mariah has given me the courage and tools to create a feeling of connection, respect and love within my family and within my classroom." ~ Julie Hitchcock MA Child Development
"You are OPEN, strong, and tenacious in your belief in us Mariah. I love that. It is like that saying that sometimes another believes for us when it seems the chrysalis is still too inflexible to release the butterfly. Not that you can do this for me. But your heart is so wide with love I can't help but make the leap into flight." ~ Shelly, MFT
"The safe container to express ourselves is one element I most appreciate about our circle, the ritual and meditation are all great tools to ground us to a place where we can journey through our work as a group, it put's us all on the same page and helps us create connection amongst our sister-mamas." ~ Kyla
"What makes this class so REAL for me is the fact that you are so REAL and in this experience WITH us, not just preaching to us!" ~ Kristie
To Register: e-mail Mariah at: [email protected]
Subject line: "Sage Mothering"
we'll schedule a time to talk this week. Each group is carefully crafted so that you have the very best experience.
***Course almost full!
This is not light work, though it is a joy! This is indeed an investment of energy over the next ten weeks ~ if committed, the benefits continue a lifetime and affect generations!
Standing for your greatest experience in life and parenting!
Mariah Joy