Thinking Sage Mothering might be more aptly named "Love Warrior School". After three+ years of leading Sage Mothering It's absolutely clear that this is indeed Love Warrior School. Warriors for deep, raw, real Love in relationship with not only our children but self, others, beloveds.
How do we stand tall and grounded in the face of that which triggers us most?
How do we find the words to connect rather than divide?
How do we track our own internal jungle...that place we are most apt to lose our way?
How do we align with our own values and stand for them, and with them, daily?
It's Love Warrior School, this journey is, and I couldn't be more excited to stand here, holding the registration doors open for all you brave, brave Mamas embarking on the 2017 Sage Mothering journey - the most epic one so far.
Nine full months (plus three extra integration months of support) of community and powerful support so you can stand in your most confident, aligned, empowered self and mothering. Join us at here, at
We're in for a fantastic year!